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Being a good citizen
As soon as we moved into Brighton, we began planning to fit into the neighborhood. We saw it as essential that we be good useful locals who took care of those around us, Buddhist or not. That awareness and consideration seems to have faded away.
Cafe Bliss
I would not have approved the present cafe, purely on financial grounds, because I thought it would really struggle to make money. But I was wrong. Money isn't everything and what Bliss does for TI is wonderful and I think TI should embrace it (as I understand it, it is entirely Tsering's responsibility) and incorporate it into TI.
Solar power
For some reason, in the figures released at the AGM, there is no line detail of what TI paid for power. That strikes me as odd as I would expect it to be a significant total expenditure. After raising solar power in December, I have heard since that the EC has already reviewed and rejected it as uneconomical for TI. I understand that it is not a straight-forward issue but I think it is well worth a more public examination.
Door greeters
There have been some horrific stories of unwelcoming encounters at the front door. Complaints of cliquie-ness and unfriendly cold-shoulders etc deserve some response. Let's discuss ideas here.
Geshe Doga aging
When I discussed Geshela's "retirement", I think I kicked over a bucket of trouble. After additional input from some other quarter, the SPC somehow announced it as kicking Geshela out of the Centre. That was never my intention. My concern is that old age cannot be ignored and those stairs are not safe; although Geshela is amazing (what youth pill did he take?) we still need to prepare for when he can no longer live up stairs.
Commercial kitchen
We have a large and costly (I believe we have paid to maintain its official registration) underutilised kitchen that strikes me as an asset that should be bringing us in income. What ideas do you have?
Who's who in the TI zoo?
I've overheard several conversations where new people have simply asked another random person for information about what's what at TI. And I've heard answers that curled my hair but I did nothing about it. I think it would really help to have some kind of easy identification system that would allow newcomers to spot the people they should talk to if they have a query. Let's discuss options and opinions, here.
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