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When it became obvious that there were way too many obstacles, Frank and I had to admit we could not work with the current EC so we finally withdrew. This is the email we sent to the community.
Keeping Lama Yeshe Alive
Dear TI community member,
We just wanted to let you know that, unfortunately we have not been able to come to a workable arrangement with the Executive Committee so Frank and I are withdrawing from our appointment as Centre Director and Assistant Director.
We apologise for not being able to carry forward the wishes of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the enthusiasm expressed by many members of the TI community over the past couple of months. On the other hand, we hope that interest and passion for the future of TI has been awakened in your heart because Frank and I both believe in big things ahead for TI.
If you are one of the many who put up your hand for getting involved with us in shaping the future, please do not give up now. The Centre depends on the members and it is essential that you make it into something meaningful for the people of Melbourne “for a thousand years”. Please think and talk about what you would like TI to become. Support the next Centre Director and let them know what you think. Be active. Vote for what you want.
“Use your own wisdom”

TI’s founder, Lama Yeshe, had lots of great quotes but one of his strongest was about how to develop TI… he often urged us to “communicate” and to “be professional”. Don’t be passive and expect others to make TI the kind of Centre you want. It’s your responsibility.
Another telling Lama Yeshe quote: “If not you, dear, then who?”
Peter and Frank