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Tara Institute up to 2000

  • Gautama Buddha — India
  • Jetsun Tsong Khapa — Tibet
  • Lama Yeshe / Lama Zopa Rinpoche — Nepal
    • Kopan, Nepal — One Month Meditation Course
      • 1973 March
        • Maggie Feldmann
        • Max Feldmann
        • Peter Guiliano
        • Peter Langham (Stripes)
        • Gil Richards
        • Dugald Sinclair
        • Keith Tudor
        • Gabe Wallace
      • 1974 March
        • Adrian Feldmann (Ven Thubten Gyatso)
        • Chrissie Foulkes
        • Peter Guiliano
        • Adele Hulse
        • Ali Ribush
        • Dorian Ribush
      • 1979
        • Alan Molloy
        • Dugald Sinclair
        • Alys Andrews
        • David Andrews
    • 1974 August Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa first visit to Australia
      • Several public talks in Melbourne
      • Diamond Valley, Queensland: One Month Course with both Lamas
        • Lama Yeshe circulates petition to invite His Holiness to Australia
      • Lama Yeshe surprise visit to Gabe Wallace at her home (20th October 1974?)
    • 1975 Lama Yeshe returns to Melbourne
      • teaches at Latrobe University, Assembly Hall, Dromana: 5 day course, Melbourne University, Prince Phillip Theatre: 3 nights
      • ??Weekly meditation evenings at Inta McKimm’s home in Fitzroy
    • 1976 Lama Yeshe weekend course at Olinda
      • Tara House starts in Palmerston Street Carlton
    • 1977 Lama Yeshe public talk Kew Town Hall (over 300 people)
      • Tara House rents 12 Miller Grove, Kew. 1st Centre Director appointed: Ven Konchog Donma (Bonnie Rothenberg)
    • 1978 Tara House starts retreat centre at Noojee (“Tara Institute”)
    • 1979 Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa, Melbourne
      • Lama Zopa: Eight Point Thought Transformation; Anglesea August 30 – September 9
      • Lama Yeshe: public talk Malvern Town Hall (500 people)
      • Lama Zopa: 10-day LamRim Course; Noojee (45 people)
      • Lama Yeshe: Chittamani Tara Initiation; Noojee (30 people)
      • Both Lamas consecrated our Buddha statue in all night ceremony at Marianne Baillieu’s Realities gallery in Toorak
    • 1980 Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Melbourne
      • Public Talk (Archive #074) August 29, 1980
      • Refuge (Archive #384) September 1, 1980
      • Bodhicitta / Emptiness (Archive #437) September 1, 1980
      • Lam Rim (Archive #076) September 1, 1980
      • First Vietnamese monks brought to Australia, Most Venerable Thich Tac Phuoc and Venerable Thich Huyen Ton live and teach at Miller Grove for several months
      • Geshe Thubten Dawa (TI’s first resident geshe arrives at Miller Grove, end of 1980)
    • 1981 Lama Yeshe, Melbourne
      • Lama Yeshe: Nagarjuna’s Letter to a King (Dallas Brookes Hall)
      • Lama Yeshe: Mahamudra, Bendigo (approves Atisha Centre and picks site for Great Stupa)
      • Lama Yeshe: Nightclub Party, Collins Street
      • Lama chairs HHDL first-visit meeting at Miller Grove
      • Tara House rents a second house for Geshela and translator, Ven Kelsang Tsering: Annexe, High St Kew (1981 – 82)
    • 1982
      • Tara Institute buys 3 Crimea Street, St Kilda, December ($125,000?)
      • Geshe Dharghyey teaches 3 nights
      • HHDL First Tour: TI played key role
    • 1983
      • Lama Zopa: 5 evenings at Prahran High School Hall
      • Lama Zopa: weekend course at TI
      • Prof Jeffrey Hopkins: Weekend Seminar at Melbourne Uni
      • Prof Jeffrey Hopkins: 3 nights teachings and meditation at TI
      • Ven. Geshe Thubten Dawa (left October 1984) | Kelsang Tsering (left May 12)
    • 1984
      • Lama Yeshe died March 3
      • Geshe Lobsang Doga (appointed TI’s second resident Geshe October)
      • Jonathan Landaw (October 16, 17, 18)
      • Ven Roger Mier (taught November while Geshe Doga was in Adelaide)
      • Sandup Tsering: translator (arrived August 21)
    • 1985
      • Geshe Ngawang Dharghyey
        • April Weekend Course/TI; 3 nights/Dallas Brookes Hall; 2 Initiations/TI; LL puja HHDL
      • Gomo Tulku in Melbourne (August)
    • 1986
      • Geshe Sonam Rinchen (15 March) Heart Sutra, Crimea St church hall
      • Geshe Sopa (June 11 – 18)
      • Panchen Lama with Geshe Doga: Melbourne (June)
    • 1987
      • Lama Osel inauguration, 28 February, Kopan
      • Dr Alexander Berzin (28 May)
      • 3 Mavis Avenue, East Brighton Bought for $1.2 million (March). We moved in July
      • Crimea Street, St Kilda sold for $470k (May 14th —2 months after Mavis Av purchase)
      • Lama Zopa, Lama Osel, August
      • Lama Zopa Rinpoche
        • Yamantaka Self-Initiation August 12, 1987
        • Heruka Body Mandala Initiation (2) August 13, 1987
        • Heruka Body Mandala Commentary August 16, 1987
        • Vajrayogini Self Initiation August 19, 1987
        • Public Talk August 24, 1987
        • Chod Puja August 24, 1987
        • Heruka Initiation August 4, 1987
        • Heruka Body Mandala Initiation August 4, 1987
    • 1988
      • Lama Zopa, Lam Rim (May 14, 15)
      • HH Sakya Trizin, June 1-5 FPMT-A tour, no teaching at TI
        • TI booked Melbourne University lecture hall for public talk
      • Khensur Urgyen Tseten: TI (October)
    • 1990
      • Lama Zopa Rinpoche Public Talk (November 17)
    • 1991
      • Lama Zopa Healing Course (August)
      • Thubten Dhonyu (Assistant Translator) arrives but he thinks he arrived June 1990
      • CPMT — hosted at TI attended and led by Lama Zopa Rinpoche (June)
        • 7 Point Thought Training (June 16)
        • Cittamani Tara Initiation Commentary (June 20)
        • Healing Course June 30, 1991
    • 1992
      • Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, (November)
      • HHDL Second Tour (TI hosted the Tour Office)
        • Geshe Dawo and Geshe Dhargyey stayed at TI
    • 1993
      • Kensur Urgyen Tseten (February 6,7)
    • 1994
      • Gyuto Monks at TI (March)
      • Ribur Rinpoche at TI (April)
    • 1995
    • 1996
      • HHDL Visit for Kalachakra (Third Tour) Sydney
      • Lama Zopa, October 3 -5
        • Public Talk
    • 1997
      • Geshe Conference (April) Khensur Rinpoche, Geshe Doga, Geshe Enge, Geshe Dawa, Geshe Pal Tsering
      • Thubten Dhonyu leaves end of year
      • HH Sakya Trizin (June)
      • Geshe Lama Konchog visits Geshe Doga
    • 1998
    • 1999
      • Geshe Michael Roach at Melbourne Uni and Deakin (April)
    • 2000
      • Lama Zopa: Heart Sutra (March)