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This is the Secretary’s reply to my email to him in which I quote all the Membership Rules that the EC is NOT following.

Justin contradicts the claim made by the EC that “Tara Institute is an FPMT centre and follows FPMT policy, including having an Affiliation Agreement with FPMT Inc.; and Tara Institute has a valid constitution under Australian law which dictates our activities.

Dear Peter

In response to your email, we have treated everyone who has applied to join as a member of TI in good faith. Indeed, we have not seen any direct evidence to suggest why we should take the opposing view. If you are aware of any instances where the Committee should have exercised a more cautious approach than usual, then please let us know so that it can be looked into.

You make a valid point that we could always be strengthening our process of ratifying new members who wish to join. This is something that can be considered by the Executive Committee of the time.

At the moment, our immediate priority is the AGM. For the purpose of the AGM, those who can vote are current members (meaning, those with no outstanding membership fees to pay to the centre). The same applies for those who can nominate however, this is less relevant as the date for nominations at the AGM in 2019 closed last Friday.
